John Byrne veut Rob Liefeld sur Wachmen 2!

À partir de son Message Board, l’auteur et artiste de Comic Books, John Byrne, a exprimé son désir de voir le dessinateur Rob Liefeld à la barre de Watchmen 2 si le projet venait à voir le jour…

Il est difficile en lisant ses commentaires de Byrne de déchiffrer s’il s’agit d’un billet cynique ou d’une opinion tout à fait sérieuse.

Nous vous rappelons que Rob Liefeld est un auteur, éditeur et dessinateur de bande dessinée américaine. Il a connu ses heures de gloire au début des années 90. Son style de dessin est amplement critiqué par le milieu du Comic Books. Une série de litiges légaux et la piètre qualité de son art lui ont valu le titre de « L’homme le plus détesté dans le domaine des comics » (The Most Hated Man in Comics).

Voici le texte intégral provenant du site de John Byrne. À vous de vous faire une opinion :

I was watching a few minutes of the WATCHMEN movie on cable last night, and I found myself musing on the notion of a “prequel” or sequel to the original comicbook series.

In WATCHMEN, Moore inverted — I might say perverted — pretty much everything the superhero genre is all about. He was not the first to do so, but WATCHMEN was the first time we got it all in such a concentrated dose. Largely, this seems to have happened because Moore is very much a one trick pony. The one trick works for him and his fans, so no problem there, I guess. But this got me to thinking about who would be a suitable candidate to produce another round of WATCHMEN.

The thought began to take shape in my head that any revisiting of those characters should be a continuation of the “tradition” of WATCHMEN. That is, as Moore trashed everything superheroes were all about, the next go-round should do the same with WATCHMEN itself. So the ideal candidate for doing the project should be someone who is equally a one trick pony, but from the opposite end of the spectrum. Immediately, one name sprang to the forefront: Rob Liefeld.

No, I’m not kidding. Liefeld would be to WATCHMEN what Moore was to superheroes in general. And it would be such fun to watch a whole flock of retailer’s heads exploding, as they tried to serve two entirely different faces of mammon!

– John Byrne

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