Étiquette : episode VII
Star Wars : Episode VII – Mise à jour sur les acteurs et le scénario
La production de Star Wars: Episode VII est en feu et une mise à jour sur le casting pour le film et l’histoire circule présentement sur internet (GeekTyrant.com, marketsaw (une source fiable quand il s’agit de Star Wars)).
« Ian McDiarmid, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, Warwick Davies, Benedict Cumberbatch and Gary Oldman. I believe Cumberbatch and Oldman were pursued for the same role, but I don’t know how that will work out with the script changes, but I’m told they are both involved. »
Le site (Marketsaw) avait auparavant sorti la nouvelle à propos de Ford, Fisher, et Hamill et ils confirment maintenant les rumeurs sur Cumberbatch et Oldman. L’article comporte également des détails sur la pré-production:
« Many Star Wars pre-production issues, an ‘inadequate’ central story which nobody would stamp off on, a problematic initial release date and an ‘indecisive’ director (J.J. Abrams) with the hardest gig in the industry. It’s not going to be a cakewalk, but it will be a product shipping with the majority of its original parts. »
Quant à l’histoire que les cinéastes prévoient raconter, le site cite les cinéastes:
« Ultimately it’s about twins, and which will take a path towards darkness and which will follow in their father’s footsteps, or at least that is what it used to be, that may come later as I think changes are being undertaken to bring the original cast into the forefront of the story leading to ramifications that lead up to the next generation of Skywalkers. »
Voilà donc les dernières nouvelles sur le film qui sortira le 18 Décembre 2015.